Consultation has now concluded.
Project information
Council sought community feedback on Tranche 3 of the asset sales program that is part of its business recovery plan.
Council’s business recovery plan required a review of Council’s property assets that could be sold to assist with its financial situation. Properties that have been identified for sale in Tranche 3 have been grouped into four categories due to the different legislative and disposal processes involved. These groupings and the descriptions of the properties are:
- Operational classified and appropriately zoned land, including:
- 15 groups of operational classified land located across the Coast.
- 6 properties located at Manning Road, The Entrance that are identified as affordable housing sites and may be sold for affordable housing projects.
- 2 land parcels at 8 and 10 Bay Village Road, Bateau Bay once a new library facility is built within the Bateau Bay Square shopping centre. The land at 10 Bay Village is the site of the existing library and the other adjoining land is vacant. The conditions for the sale of these sites require that a new modern library facility is provided for the community.
- 7 land parcels on Wyong Road Tuggerah with environmental zoning, to be sold to the Mariners FC who plan to continue to maintain and manage this green space as part of a Hotel development.
- Operational classified land which requires rezoning, including:
- 2 properties located at Bushells Ridge Road, Kiar and Bushells Ridge that will have planning proposals lodged by Council to rezone from RU6 Transition to the IN1 General Industrial enabling employment on these sites.
- Land parcels where Council is seeking reclassification from community to operational land, and requiring Council to prepare a planning proposal to rezone the land prior to sale:
- 10 groups of community classified land, including:
- 2-4 Park Road, The Entrance will retain the existing bowling club as part of the condition of sale to Mingara Recreation Club to build a new club house.
- 336-350 Terrigal Drive with the Basketball Stadium and public parking to be retained with the intention to sell to the Breakers Country Club so they can invest in additional basketball courts.
- 191 Wallarah Road, Kanwal with current use as the Wyong District Youth and Community Centre able to be incorporated in the sale process to the Wyong Rugby League Club who plan on upgrading facilities to an improved standard.
- 10 groups of community classified land, including:
- Land parcels where Council is seeking reclassification from community to operational prior to sale:
- 7 groups of community classified land, including:
- 219 Albany Street, North Gosford, where Council intends to issue an EOI to seek a partner to develop this area to its full potential, while ensuring the existing tenants will be accommodated in new improved facilities.
- 75 Bungary Road, Norah Head which contains a community hall that is dilapidated beyond repair and requiring demolition and 4 lots that may be sold or used subject to the Council Affordable Housing (CAHL) proposal.
- 7 groups of community classified land, including:
View the comprehensive list of all properties identified in Tranche 3 here.
Community Engagement
The community were invited to:
- view the frequently asked questions available below
- find out more by viewing the interactive map
Screenshot of the interactive map which details all of the identified Tranche 3 land. - submit feedback via the online feedback form (now closed)
The community were able to submit questions via our online tool up until 4.30pm 25 May 2021 (this tool closed early to ensure that responses were able to be provided prior to the close of consultation), answers to these questions are available below.
Feedback was accepted until between 30 April and 28 May 2021 (5pm).
Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA ACT), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and Council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential.
Community Questions
- Regarding 2 land parcels at 8 and 10 Bay Village Road, Bateau Bay once a new library facility is built within the Bateau Bay Square shopping centre. The land at 10 Bay Village is the site of the existing library and the other adjoining land is vacant. Th
- My question is in regard to the loss of some community centre facilities to be replaced by what appears to be further sporting venues. Not all young people want to be involved in sport so centres for youth should not be sacrificed over sport and what com
- What assets does the proposed sale of par of 336-350 Terrigal Drive include?
What happens next?
Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback and contributed to this discussion. Staff thoroughly reviewed the community feedback on each individual property and have made recommendations in a Council Report about each of these Tranche 3 properties.
The Council Report recommends the sale of 19 sites, identifies one site that requires further investigation, and 19 sites to be removed from consideration completely. The report is available to view here.
View the full consultation report detailing the feedback provided by the community here.