This public exhibition has now concluded.

Recover, Re-imagine, Revitalise, Rebound

Council has now adopted the first ever Economic Development Strategy for the Central Coast, positioning the region as the place to do business, creating jobs and prosperity for the region.

The plan represents a 20 year vision to guide Council’s decision making around sustainable economic development initiatives that assist in creating jobs and stimulating the Central Coast economy.

The local economy will be strengthened through targeted investment, improved partnerships between the community, business and education sectors and all levels of government.

We are now facing the impacts of an unprecedented heath event that has impacted our community, our local businesses and our local economy. COVID has challenged local and global economies, but Council is determined to lead to way with a positive plan to deliver jobs for the growing community.

Council will continue to engage with the local community, collaborate with the business community and advocate to state and local governments, ensuring the best outcomes for the Central Coast.

The draft Economic Recovery and Resilience Framework and the revised Draft Economic Development Strategy were presented to Council on the 9 June 2020 and were endorsed for public exhibition.

The public exhibition period ran between Monday 22 June 2020 and 20 July 2020.

The community were invited to:

  • View the Draft Economic Recovery and Resilience Framework
  • View the revised Draft Economic Development Strategy and supporting documents
  • Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Provide feedback via the online submission form
  • Send a submission to, or PO Box 21, Gosford NSW 2250.

678 submissions were received during the exhibition of the Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 and Economic Recovery and Resilience Framework with 86% agreeing it was important for Council to develop and implement a detailed plan to grow the local economy.