This public exhibition has now concluded.
Project information
Central Coast Council has developed a Draft Council Affordable Housing Land (CAHL) Proposal which is currently on Exhibition.
This proposal has been drafted as a framework for identifying Council land sites for affordable housing developments.
The CAHL Proposal is a recommended action of the Central Coast Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy (CCA&AHS) specifically linked to the direct creation of affordable housing. Research undertaken during the Strategy development found an additional 7,300 households on the Central Coast will be in need of affordably priced housing. However, since the 2020 Pandemic it is predicted these figures could be higher due to an influx of new residents through increased inward migration and job losses from the effect of the state government restrictions.
The CAHL Proposal outlines:
- The process for identifying Council sites that could be potentially utilised for affordable housing.
- the benefits of the proposal
- benchmarks, tenure mix and design
- procurement and potential partnership options to provide the best financial and social outcomes for the community and Council
We know that our community is very interested in the provision of affordable housing and we are seeking input from our community to ensure the framework for developing affordable housing on Council owned sites reflect what current and future users want to see.
Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Execurtive Officer, Mr David Farmer between 28 April and 16 May 2021, via:
- Email:
- Post: PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259
- Post: PO Box 21, Gosford, NSW 2250
- or the online submission form (now closed).
Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA ACT), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential.