Public exhibition has now concluded

Phase 2 - Revised Draft Dogs In Open Space Action Plan

Project information

Council exhibited its revised Draft Dogs in Open Spaces Action Plan (revised draft Plan) and invited the community to have their say.

The simplified revised draft Plan responds to the extensive community feedback received during the first round of consultation, as well as further technical studies and community workshops undertaken on the key issues of concern. These key issues of concern included seasonal and timed beach access and the potential changes to Off-Leash Areas (OLAs) at Davistown, Terrigal and Hamlyn Terrace.

The revised draft Plan sought to balance the variety of community’s views, both for and against relevant proposals contained within the revised draft Plan, with both general and site-specific safety, environmental, social and operational factors.

The revised draft Plan:

  • removed the proposal for seasonal and/or timed beach access restrictions
  • proposed 13 more OLAs at Bensville, Canton Beach, Davistown, Gwandalan, Killarney Vale, Mannering Park, Ourimbah, Point Clare, Wamberal, Watanobbi, Woongarrah and Yarramalong
  • recommended upgrades to most inland OLAs and all fenced OLAs (FOLAs), including proposed drainage improvements and redesign of the Tuggerah FOLA, as well as accessibility enhancements and landscape and sensory elements at Buff Point, Ettalong, Gorokan, Lake Munmorah, Narara and Tuggerah FOLAs
  • proposed an expansion of the environmental protection area at Illoura Reserve, Davistown, so as to retain the existing OLA rather than decommission it, and provide an additional OLA at Memorial Park
  • proposed the decommissioning of the Terrigal Haven OLA and conversion to an on-leash area with an alternate OLA proposed at Wiles Ave, Wamberal. Note: a potential FOLA at Terrigal Haven will also be explored during the consultation period to seek community input on potentially retaining the ability to have dogs off-leash while addressing safety and conflict of use issues (by fencing an area for dogs off leash at Terrigal Haven). A preliminary Terrigal FOLA option plan has been developed and is available here
  • defined effective control and expectations of dog owners in public spaces
  • provided an increase in leash length limitations
  • proposed improved education initiatives for dogs in open spaces
  • proposed a review of resourcing of Ranger Services
  • proposed improved signage and off leash mapping for Council’s website

Find out more

To find out more, you could:

  • read the revised draft Dogs in Open Space Action Plan here
  • view relevant background information and the results of the previous consultation on the 'Phase 1' tab on this page
  • attend a pop-up stall at Davistown and Terrigal
  • view the frequently asked questions available on this page
  • view the online interactive map here

Have your say

Council invited the community to have their say on the revised draft Plan between 1 September and 1 October 2023 via:

There are currently no changes to the management of Council’s open space network. Changes proposed in the revised draft Plan would not come into effect until a final Plan is adopted by Council and an implementation schedule is developed.

Phase 1 - Dogs in Open Space Action Plan

Project information

Council developed a Draft Dogs In Open Space Action Plan (DIOSAP) in 2022 to improve opportunities for Off Leash Areas on the Central Coast.

This Draft Action Plan aimed to ensure that Council has a well-considered long-term framework for future land planning, management and prioritisation of infrastructure, whilst also providing clear criteria and direction for development to ensure there are adequate areas to accommodate dog exercise locally.

It’s important to understand your responsibilities as a dog owner when taking your pet to public spaces, so that the whole community can enjoy safe and peaceful access to our beaches, parks and open spaces.

This first version of the Draft Plan was publicly exhibited between 1 July and 5pm 26 August 2022 to provide opportunity for community to provide input and feedback on the allocation of dedicated off-leash (OLAs) and fence off-leash (FOLAs), to provide areas for pets to enjoy some time off-leash, under the close supervision of their owner.

Have your say

The community were invited to have their say on the first version of the draft Dogs In Open Space Action Plan between 1 July and 5pm 26 August 2022. This could be done by:

Consultation results

Thank you to those who provided feedback on the first version of the draft Dogs In Open Space Action Plan.

We appreciate you taking the time to let us know how Council should manage dogs in open space and acknowledge that it is a complex and important issue.

The feedback you provided was used to refine the actions and inform the revised Dogs In Open Space Action Plan which is on public exhibition between 1 September and 1 October 2023.

We have completed a consultation summary which provides a high-level overview of the numerical feedback collected during the first round of consultation, this can be viewed here.

A detailed consultation report which provides a detailed analysis of what we heard during the first round of consultation is also available and can be read here.

Key issues identified during the first round of consultation were seasonal time restricted beach access for dogs, and the suitability of off leash areas at Davistown, Terrigal and Hamlyn Terrace. Council has been reviewing these concerns to determine options available to address them.

Council staff hosted workshops with key local stakeholders (who contributed during the consultation period) to review the options to address the key issues, a workshop summary report is available here.

The revised draft Plan was tabled at the August Council Meeting where endorsement for the Plan to be re-exhibited for a further 28 days was provided.

It is important to note that there are currently no changes to the management of Council’s open space network.