This project is now closed for feedback
Public toilets are vital community infrastructure that support the health and wellbeing of Central Coast residents, workers and visitors.
Central Coast Council have drafted a Public Toilet Strategy (Strategy) to show how we are planning to manage our public toilets across the Central Coast over the next 22 years, to make sure we have a network of contemporary, accessible and sustainable public toilets that meet the needs of our community.
The Strategy has been developed with input from:
- the tourism industry
- community groups and progress associations
- outreach services such as homeless support, community care and neighbourhood centres
- NSW Health
- sporting groups
- accessibility advocates and Disability Inclusion Action Plan reference group members
- same sex and gender diverse communities.
These groups helped us:
- understand community and user groups requirements for public toilet infrastructure
- gain an understanding of the current community and stakeholder concerns and values
- shape management options.
Thank you for having your say
We invited the community to have their say on the draft Strategy between 27 September and 8 November 2024 by:
- reading the draft Strategy
- reading the frequently asked questions (available below)
- contributing to and joining the conversation on our interactive map and sharing your ideas, suggestions and opinions click here.
- Completing the online submission form (preferred)
- email:
- Post: PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259 addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer
When providing feedback to Council, your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.
Next Steps
Following the feedback received during public exhibition, Council staff will review all submissions and prepare a report on the outcome of the public exhibition process for Council's consideration. Those who have made submissions will be notified prior to the Council report being considered.
Who's Listening
Name: Facilities and Asset Management