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Project information

Draft Development Control Plan Chapter “XX”, in respect of Tree and Vegetation Management has been prepared for land within the Central Coast Local Government Area

In accordance with the Resolution of Council on 8 October 2018, Council has prepared a Draft Tree and Vegetation Management Chapter for public exhibition which is designed to be inserted into and replace the relevant Chapters within both the Wyong Development Control Plan 2013 (Chapter 3.6) and the Gosford Development Control Plan 2013 (Chapter 6.6). Draft Chapter “XX” details when tree and vegetation management works require a Permit from Council, and where Exemptions from Permits are available.

Council sought community feedback as to whether these proposed exemptions would adequately cater for normal gardening practices, whilst maintaining "reasonable requirements" for tree preservation and maintaining the amenity of our suburbs.

The Chapter will apply generally to Central Coast urban areas and environmentally zoned lands, or “Non-Rural zones”, as identified within the Chapter.

This Draft Development Control Plan was exhibited between 8 November 2018 and 28 January 2019.

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