The public exhibition has now concluded.

Project information

At its meeting, held 27 April 2021, Council resolved to put on exhibition the draft Operational Plan for 2021-22. The Operational Plan sets out the activities and infrastructure projects, budget, rating structure and fees and charges for the 2021-22 financial year.

The draft Operational Plan provides a roadmap for Council’s services for the 2021-22 financial year and includes an overview of our:

  • essential services
  • planned programs and capital works projects
  • financial position (both short and long term)
  • statement of revenue
  • fees and charges.

As part of Council’s plan towards financial recovery, the Operational Plan 2021-22 forecasts Council’s operating income as $666.8 million (if IPART determine a 15% Special Variation). Of this, Council will spend $659.8M on services and operational costs, resulting in a modest surplus of $7M. This excludes capital grants and contributions, which will be allocated towards the repayment of the restricted reserves debt.

It is also proposed that $173.5M will be spent on capital works projects, with a focus on maintaining Council’s existing infrastructure. This includes over 350 capital works projects in 2021-22, with the draft Operational Plan 2021-22 also including details of capital works projects for the following three years.

Should IPART’s determination differ from a 15% Special Variation, the above numbers Council is working to would reduce accordingly.

Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer between 29 April and 26 May 2021, via:

Council will receive a further report to consider the submissions received during the public exhibition period.

Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA ACT), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and Council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential.

2021-22 Operational Plan adopted

At its meeting, held 29 June 2021, Council adopted the Operational Plan for 2021-22. The plan is available on Council's website.