This public exhibition has now concluded

Project Background

At the Council meeting on 28 March 2023, it was resolved to put the Draft Operational Plan for 2023-24 on exhibition for community feedback. The Operational Plan highlights the activities and capital works projects, budget, rating structure and fees and charges for the 2023-24 financial year.

The Operational Plan is prepared annually to set out a roadmap for Council’s deliverables against its services and in line with the five themes of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP)- belonging, smart, green, responsible, and liveable. The Operational Plan includes:

  • Information about the area
  • Planned actions and capital works projects
  • Financial position
  • Statement of revenue
  • Fees and charges

Council’s commitment to ratepayers and residents going forward is to maintain financial sustainability and is proposed that in 2023-24, Council will receive $656.4M in operational revenue and spend $653.6M on services and operational functions, resulting in a small surplus of $2.8M (excluding capital grants and contributions). Council’s capital works program commits $202.4 million to improve and expand Council’s asset portfolio. Key indicators for success are achieving the Delivery Program, continued productivity improvements, identification of alternative revenue streams and continued fiscal accountability.

Below is a map of the draft Capital Works Program 2023-24 which includes suburb specific projects. Projects classified as 'Region Wide' are not able to be included on the map, but details can be viewed in the Draft Operational Plan 2023-24

Have your say

Council invited the community to share their feedback on Council’s draft Operational Plan 2023-24. The plan was open for community consultation between 9am 3 April and 5pm 1 May 2023 by:

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Engagement Results

Central Coast residents provided a total of 42 submissions on Council’s planned actions and capital works projects.

Themes from the feedback included:

  • road and drainage upgrades and renewals
  • playground upgrades and renewals
  • coastal, natural bushland, reserve and asset protection renewals and upgrades

View the full Engagement Summary here.