This public exhibition has now concluded.

Project information

Central Coast Council is currently prioritising a review of its Contributions Plans across the entire LGA.

Council has prepared a draft plan to obtain and manage development contributions in the Warnervale District. The draft plan will replace the current Warnervale Contributions Plan.

The draft Warnervale District Contribution Plan was exhibited from Monday 9 November until Monday 7 December 2020. The draft Plan has been reviewed following exhibition and changes have been made to address issues raised in the submissions and to correct administrative errors found in the plan.

The review process provides an opportunity to simplify the contributions plan, update land valuations, review the community infrastructure provided under the plan and update cost, where required.

The Warnervale District is the fastest growing area in the Central Coast. The Draft Warnervale District Contributions Plan aims to ensure future growth in Warnervale is supported by new community infrastructure.

When land is developed, the proponent is often required to contribute towards the construction of this new public infrastructure. New roads, stormwater and drainage, open space and recreational facilities are all examples of community infrastructure that are required to support an increase in development in an area.

The Draft Warnervale District Contributions Plan will:

  • Determine what local infrastructure is required based on population growth
  • Set out how contributions are calculated
  • List specific local infrastructure that will be provided by the plan and its location
  • Outline how the contributions will be managed
  • Ensure contributions reflect inflation rates for infrastructure work

This Plan applies to the Warnervale District and includes the suburbs of Warnervale, Woongarrah, Hamlyn Terrace, Wadalba, Halloran and parts of Wyong, Jilliby, Kanwal, and Wallarah.

Warnervale District Contributions Plan boundary

The Draft Warnervale District Contributions Plan has been prepared in accordance with section 7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

The community were invited to:

  • View the Draft Warnervale District Contributions Plan (Main Document and Technical Document)
  • Read the supporting documents including: Local Contributions Fact Sheet, Glossary and FAQs available on this page.

Have your say

Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 25 June 2021 via:

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