Planning Proposal in respect of Somersby Falls Road and Myoora Road
A Planning Proposal has been prepared relating to Lot 1 DP 712505, No 126 Somersby Falls Road, Somersby and part of Somersby Falls Road and Myoora Road corridor.
These projects are currently open for feedback
A Planning Proposal has been prepared relating to Lot 1 DP 712505, No 126 Somersby Falls Road, Somersby and part of Somersby Falls Road and Myoora Road corridor.
Waterways are a huge part of the Central Coast community’s lifestyle. Find out more about your local waterways here.
Recently closed projects
Central Coast Council have drafted a Public Toilet Strategy to show how we are planning to manage our public toilets across the Central Coast over the next 22 years.
Council is working with the local community on this Masterplan, which will be incorporated into the Hawkesbury-Nepean River System Coastal Management Program (HNR CMP).
We’re undertaking a project to provide protection to the MacMasters Beach Surf Life Saving Club from coastal hazards.
Central Coast Council has an exciting opportunity for our community to shape the design of Karagi Point Reserve, which is due for renewal in 2025-2026.
We are reaching out to the community about whether they want to update the lookout in Warren Avenue, Avoca.
We want to understand your business needs and the current economy on the Central Coast so we can create support programs for local business, and advocate on your behalf.
District level playspaces promote healthy living and active lifestyles by providing a large recreational facility for the local and wider community.
An additional statement is being considered which identifies the need for Councillors to have separate personal and Councillor-related profiles.
The policy aims to clearly identify unreasonable complainant conduct and outlines the approach taken by Council to respond to and manage these complaints effectively and with fairness and respect.
The purpose of the Strategy is to establish principles and guidelines for how Council engages with the community and to also inform the community about their opportunities and rights to be involved in Council’s decision-making process.
The Strategy is designed to ensure there are adequate open spaces such as parks, reserves and sportsgrounds, support and promote active and healthy lifestyles and increase participation in outdoor recreation and sport and engage the community and partners in the next 10 years of planning for public open space.
Central Coast Council's Development Servicing Plan (DSP) outlines water supply and sewerage developer charges for new developments impacting water and sewer infrastructure.
We are asking the community to complete a short survey for us to better understand the types of users of the park as well as the equipment and infrastructure you would like to see
Central Coast Council has undertaken a review of current Alcohol-Free Zones (AFZ) across the Central Coast and is proposing to re-establish Alcohol-Free Zones in the locations listed on the below map. The aim of an AFZ is to reduce alcohol related crime, violence and anti-social behaviour in identified locations in order to help create a safer environment for the whole community.
The existing skate park is at the end of its life and ready for a revised modern facility to meet the needs of the community and growing number of families in this area.
We want to ensure our community has to chance to tell us what they want they want to see in the new design, including the style, layout, components, and which wheels you want to ride on.
In preparation for the 2024 Local Government Election in September, and the return of a democratically elected governing body, policies and procedures which apply to Councillors have been reviewed in accordance with recent model policy updates, industry best practice and Council’s Policy Framework.
Local Infrastructure Contributions help fund infrastructure projects needed to support the growing community and include open space, community facilities, transport infrastructure, drainage and cycleways.
The Operational Plan is prepared annually to set out a roadmap for Council’s deliverables against its services and in line with the five themes of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP)- belonging, smart, green, responsible, and liveable.
The Planning Proposal seeks to create a new residential community to support the existing Tuggerah Town Centre with a range of low, medium and higher-density housing options to meet future housing demand.
We conducted a Central Coast-wide survey from 8 April to 13 May 2024 to understand our community’s perception of their own wellbeing and quality of life. The survey covered the following topics: your neighbourhood, how connected and supported you feel, access to services, safety in your area and how you enjoy living, playing, and growing on the Central Coast.
Public art engages, tell stories, evokes conversations and creates a sense of place. We see this as an opportunity to support the Central Coast’s thriving and diverse creative community. This plan will outline how we can deliver a suite of actions to support the delivery, management and assessment of permanent and temporary public art for the Central Coast community.
Central Coast Council prepared a Planning Proposal for the Reclassifications of Council-owned land at ten sites. Council resolved at its meeting of 23 August 2023 to proceed with the reclassification of seven sites as proposed as part of previous Council resolutions and included four additional sites.
We conducted the Central Coast Leisure Centres and Pools Satisfaction Survey from 8 April to 13 May 2024 as part of our commitment to continually improve our services delivered to the community. Your information was collected to help us gauge satisfaction, service, quality, and value for money.
In October 2023, Council exhibited an amendment to a Planning Agreement relating to land at Narara Eco Village. The Planning Agreement sought to dedicate approximately 10ha of C2 Environmental Conservation land to be part of the Central Coast Open Space System.
Central Coast Council has prepared a draft Masterplan for the Central Coast Airport, informed by feedback collected via a 2021 telephone survey and through industry engagement undertaken in 2021/22. The Masterplan details the development of land surrounding the Central Coast Airport at Warnervale and presents the Central Coast with a new economic sector that will stimulate employment and economic activity.
Council prioritises protecting our community's information from potential risks while ensuring we have appropriate measures in the event of an unforeseen data breach. The purpose of the proposed Policy is to outline how Council will identify, assess, manage and respond to data breaches.
Keeping your personal information private and secure is a key priority for Central Coast Council. That's why we are seeking your feedback on the Draft Central Coast Privacy Management Plan Policy.
We sought the community's feedback on the Draft Central Coast Outdoor Trading Specification. The Central Coast is home to a vibrant local community who are encouraged to use public places and road reserves as a means of stimulating business growth. Council processes applications for outdoor dining and vending and for associated temporary and fixed structures. The Draft Specification will help regulate this function.
The Draft Policy sets out the requirements for activities which require approval under Section 68 of the LG Act. It also establishes exemptions for which certain activities do not require application under Section 68 and relevant criteria that must be satisfied for each activity. Where an exemption applies, and all the listed criteria are met (where relevant), the Policy will eliminate the need for a Section 68 application to be submitted.
We are seeking the community's feedback on the Draft Central Coast Thematic History which provides a broad historical context for understanding the patterns and forces that shaped an area over time while identifying locally distinctive themes to structure the history. The proposed Thematic History intends to achieve this while also uniting two existing histories from the former Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Councils.
Council has prepared a Draft Central Coast Night-Time Economy Discussion Paper which aims to identify interventions to create better places for businesses, the local community and visitors after dark in the Central Coast. The discussion paper was developed through extensive stakeholder engagement including internal and industry workshops, business surveys as well as interviews with neighbouring Councils.
The Draft Policy provides clarity to both staff and the community about Council's approach to regulation (including compliance and enforcement action), key considerations made by Council staff when assessing the most appropriate outcome in relation to any allegations, providing clarity on the range of potential outcomes, amongst a range of other factors carried over from existing policy.
Central Coast Council previously consulted the community to review the Draft Hardship and Debt Recovery Policy. Following the consultation, the policy was reviewed and amended. It was then resolved at October's Ordinary Council meeting to go on public exhibition for community comment before it is adopted by Council. We are now seeking feedback from all Central Coast ratepayers and sundry debtors.
We're working with the local Phegans Bay community to inform the development of the Phegans Bay Waterfront Masterplan. Once developed, the masterplan will outline the overall vision for the Phegans Bay waterfront precinct and provide a conceptual layout to guide future projects and infrastructure.
Between 23 November and 14 February 2024 Central Coast Council Water and Sewer sought community feedback from residents and businesses in two phases on the small urban and rural communities across the Central Coast that do not have access to water and/or sewerage services. These properties are known as ‘unserviced properties’. An unserviced property is one that is not connected to the Council’s water and/or sewer network.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 that Central Coast Council intends to offer a lease to the following for a period of ten years: Lions Club of Gwandalan.
Council received a Gateway Determination for a Planning Proposal to amend the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan 2022 provisions applying to Narara Eco Village located at 17 and 33 Gugandi Road, Narara. Amendments are also proposed to Chapter 5.8 (Narara Gosford Horticultural Institute) of Central Coast Development Control Plan 2022.
We invited you to help determine the future of Woy Woy’s Austin Butler Access, the lot adjacent to Austin Butler Oval and Peninsula Plaza.
The Deferred Matters Lands Planning Proposal aims to incorporate the Deferred Lands into the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan 2022 (CCLEP 2022) assigning ‘like for like’ zoning and development standards based on the existing zones and environmental attributes.
Central Coast Council has concluded the public exhibition of the draft Development Application Guidelines for Waste Management Planning along with a draft update to Chapter 2.14 of the Central Coast Development Control Plan 2022.
The draft Water and Sewer Community Engagement and Education Strategy outlines how Council will engage, communicate, educate, and continue to improve its water and sewer services, while building trust with customers and the community. The draft Strategy has been informed by our ‘Improving your water and sewer services’ community engagement from earlier this year. It will be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains on track and is adapted to respond to emerging changes in service delivery.
Situated among some of the best views Woy Woy has to offer, we are preparing an upgrade to the district playspace at Woy Woy Lions Park. Although the current playspace has served our community well, we want to make sure we deliver a new park that possesses the capacity and a variety of equipment that embodies inclusion, activation and social engagement for all ages, abilities and cultural groups.
On 25 July 2023 Central Coast Council resolved to formally accept the transfer of land at 1A Jaques Street Ourimbah from the University of Newcastle. The site is a rectangular block about 1,050 square metres in size and had been owned and used for teaching by The University of Newcastle since 1994.
At the Ordinary Central Coast Council Meeting on 22 August 2023, public notice was given that Council proposes to reclassify 80 lots of land from operational land to community land in accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993. This comes after a review of Council-owned land in response to our community and key stakeholders highlighting that some operational land may be better classified as community land.
Help shape the future of the Central Coast by sharing your lived experiences, values, and hopes for your community. Your feedback will ensure your values, priorities and vision are reflected in the review of two key documents; the Central Coast Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS).
Council is exhibited its revised Draft Dogs in Open Spaces Action Plan (revised draft Plan) and invited the community to have their say.
The simplified revised draft Plan responds to the extensive community feedback received during the first round of consultation, as well as further technical studies and community workshops undertaken on the key issues of concern.
One of Central Coast Council's core responsibilities is to create an ongoing dialogue with our community, and engage on a range of Council projects, initiatives, policies, strategies and plans to ensure a balanced and collaborative decision-making process between the community and Council is achieved. We do this in line with our Engagement Framework and Community Participation Plan.
The draft Central Coast Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contribution Plan 2023 has been prepared to combine the remaining infrastructure requirements from three existing contributions plans.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 that Central Coast Council intends to offer a lease to a range of community groups.
Through collaboration and engagement, Central Coast Council and the community have co-designed the Water and Sewer Customer Charter and Complaints Management Framework to ensure the services we deliver align with our customers' values.
We wanted to hear from you about what you would like to see for the future of the Central Coast Library Service. We invited the community to tell us how you want to visit, borrow items and use the space and share your dreams for the future of the library experience!
Submissions have concluded for the Somersby & Kariong Catchment Overland Flood Study, undertaken by specialist flood consultants, Kellogg Brown & Root. The community questionnaire aimed to help us get a better understanding on the nature of flooding in the area to help inform future planning and management activities. The study area consists of the Kariong residential area, the Somersby industrial area, and the rural residential area immediately to its north (as mapped below).
Scape Properties have offered to enter into a Planning Agreement with Council to deliver a park and play space at Lot 194 DP 1247440 also known as Bargan Road, Crangan Bay. The Planning Agreement includes a process for the design and delivery of the park and clauses to ensure it is constructed to Council’s specifications and requirements.
Thank you for all your comments and contributions. The project is now in the Development Application phase and is open for comment on the portal.
Council prepared a Draft Central Coast Conservation Fund Policy to set up a fund that Council can use for projects to protect and manage nature and biodiversity across the whole Local Government Area, consistent with the Biodiversity Strategy (2020). The Fund will provide financial support in Council’s management and conservation of the Central Coast’s natural environment.
Read more
Voting now closed- please find the result below!
The Central Coast was part of the NSW Government’s $30 million Safer Cities Program, which was aimed at improving the perceptions of safety for women, girls, and gender-diverse people in public spaces around transport hubs.
Central Coast Council continues to work alongside its customers improving the monitoring of liquid waste to ensure a safe, clean environment for today and the future.
As part of this work, Council updated its Liquid Trade Waste Management Policy to maintain relevance to industry standards and legislation.
Project Background
At the Council meeting on 28 March 2023, it was resolved to put the draft Operational Plan for 2023-24 on exhibition for community feedback. The Operational Plan highlights the activities and capital works projects, budget, rating structure and fees and charges for the 2023-24 financial year.
Council went back out to the community to talk all things Gosford, just four months after its major community consultation project for the Gosford waterfront revitalisation.
Wet Weather Pond Emergency Discharge Point.
Central Coast Council is seeking to update its Environmental Protection License (EPL) with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to include an additional effluent discharge point at the Wyong South Sewage Treatment Plant in response to increased heavy/extended rainfall.
Central Coast Council prepared a draft Central Coast Street Design Manual and accompanying set of Standard Drawings and Technical Specifications to guide public domain works and streetscape design.
What's happening
The iconic rocket ship at Lions Park, Long Jetty underwent essential renovation works to ensure it could continue to be enjoyed by local residents and visitors to the Coast for many years to come.
Central Coast Council is working with the community to collect feedback that will help improve Council’s water and sewer services.
From March 2023, residents and businesses will share with Council what they value most about their water and sewer services.
This public exhibition has now concluded.
Central Coast Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 24 January 2023, requested amendments to its Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy.
The purpose of the Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy is to inform the community about how public money will be spent regarding reimbursement of expenses and facilities to Councillors, the Mayor and the Administrator.
Project update 4 June 2024
Currently, we are awaiting funding to complete appropriate Traffic & Economic modelling. This is in response to the Pacific Highway upgrades and planning reforms to accommodate the predicted growth and to test the projects identified in the development of the Wyong District Place Plan.
Planning Agreements are voluntary arrangements between a developer and Council or other planning authority, where the developer agrees to dedicate land free of cost, pay a monetary contribution, provide a material public benefit, or any combination of the above, for public infrastructure or another public purpose.
Central Coast Council owns over 2,000 parcels (lots) of community land comprising of the following categories: natural area, sportsground, park, area of cultural significance and general community use. As such, community land cannot be sold and moreover, the Local Government Act 1993 stipulates that Councils must prepare a Plan of Management (POM) which governs how the community land is to be used and managed.
A Planning Proposal has been prepared for Lot B DP 321076 and Lot 2 DP 543135 73-75 Mann St Gosford (the site).
The Planning Proposal sought to reclassify the subject sites from community land to operational land as per resolution at the 22 March 2022 Council meeting.
This public exhibition has now concluded.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 that Central Coast Council intends to offer a lease to the following for a period of five (5) years:
Community Support and Outreach Information Services – Lot 11 DP 559020, 93 McMasters Rd Woy Woy. Permitted Use: Programs and activities focused on youth engagement, support and development.
At the ordinary Council Meeting 22 November 2022, Council endorsed the draft Greater Warnervale Structure Plan for the purposes of community consultation for 60 days.
Council developed a concept design for a proposed centrally located Regional Animal Care Facility at 253 Old Maitland Road, Mardi as the existing Erina and Charmhaven Animal Care Facilities are adequate but are aging.
The proposed site at 253 Old Maitland Road, Mardi has been identified as the preferred central location for a new Regional Animal Care Facility that will provide enough space for animal wellbeing, enrichment and exercise.
Central Coast Council sought Expression of Interest applications from people who live or work on the Central Coast and are passionate about Tuggerah Lakes to become part of a Community Focus Group to be involved in the development of the Tuggerah Lakes Options Paper and ensure that it accurately represents community values.
The Community Focus Group will have the opportunity to participate in a joint fact-finding and co-learning process to foster greater understanding.
Council periodically updates Flood Studies and Floodplain Risk Management Plans for all creeks, lakes, lagoons, and estuaries on the Central Coast. With respect to Tuggerah Lakes, Council adopted the Floodplain Risk Management Plan in 2015, which itself was based on computer modelling data from the Flood Study from 1994. Council has initiated a review of these documents, starting with the Flood Study.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 that Central Coast Council intends to offer a lease to the following for a period of ten (10) years to a range of community groups
Planning Proposal, Draft Development Control Plan and Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement A Planning Proposal has been prepared for 43-46 The Esplanade, Ettalong Beach.
The Planning Proposal proposes to enable additional building height and floor space ratio on the subject site by appropriate amendments to the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan 2022.
The Gosford waterfront has been the subject of many studies and plans and there are many technical, financial, social and environmental complexities that need to be worked through – we have worked through a number of these with key stakeholders including the Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council, Greater Cities Commission TAFE and University of Newcastle and we are excited to present them to the community for their feedback.
Central Coast Council has received $850,000 from Round Four of the Stronger Country Community Fund to improve accessibility to the Niagara Park Stadium.
The project proposes to provide an accessibility upgrade, including a new driveway, car park including two disabled parking spaces and pedestrian pathways as well as a refresh to the building’s façade, to support current community use and encourage patronage to the area.
Council has received $935,000 Grant from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund to build a new community hall at Norah Head.
Plans to build a new community hall were outlined in the Masterplan for Norah Head Village 2017 with extensive community consultation in 2019. The Masterplan proposes to relocate existing amenities building and provide services for events.
Council controls a range of official flag poles and street banner infrastructure across the Coast. In response to community interest, Council has drafted the following documents, on which it sought community feedback:
Draft Wamberal Beach Terminal Protection Structure Engineering Design Requirements
The Wamberal Beach Terminal Protection Structure Engineering Design Requirements, which outlines minimum engineering specifications and details for coastal erosion protection works in the Wamberal embayment, has been finalised and adopted at the 11 October 2022 Council Meeting following a review of 247 formal submissions received during recent community consultation on the draft document.
In accordance with the Resolution of Council on 28 June 2022 and sections 610F and 705 of the Local Government Act 1993, it was proposed to include a number of fees within Council’s 2022-23 Fees and Charges document.
Two years on from its major community consultation project ‘Let’s Talk Woy Woy’, Central Coast Council has completed a range of major works, upgrades and improvements throughout the Woy Woy town centre, with more projects currently underway.
The Delivery Program (including the Operational Plan is a three year plan that covers the 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 financial years. The Delivery Program details the actions that Council will take (through projects, programs and other activities) to deliver the Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
The CSP is the highest level of Strategic Planning undertaken by local council and identifies the main priorities and aspirations of the community. The CSP provides Council with a clear set of objectives to achieve the community vision and sets the ten-year plan for the future.
The Resourcing Strategy encompasses the Long-Term Financial Plan (2022-2032), Asset Management Strategy (2018-2028) and the Workforce Management Strategy (2022-2026) and aims to ensure that Council’s resources are appropriately allocated to achieve the Delivery Program and the objectives of the Revised Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
Policy for LEP Amendment Requests
At its meeting, held 26 April 2022, Council resolved to put on exhibition a policy for LEP Amendment Requests. The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the efficient assessment of Planning Proposals under the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
In consultation with local First Nations Leaders, Council has developed:
The Accord and Acknowledgement have been endorsed by Council to go on Public Exhibition for 28 days to seek feedback from the broader community.
The Draft First Nations Accord is an important step on the journey of Reconciliation and developing a shared vision for our future with our local First Nations people.
Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodland (UCSW) is a unique group of plants and animals that co-exist together on the coastal sands of the Umina-Woy Woy Peninsula, and is listed as an endangered ecological community (EEC).
Council undertakes works including access control, rubbish removal, weed control and bush regeneration, community awareness and education which are funded through The Protection of the Environment Trust Management Committee
IPART's Final Report is now available.
Did you know your water, sewer and stormwater prices are set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal, also known as IPART?
On 10 September 2021 Council submitted a draft pricing proposal to IPART for its water, sewerage and stormwater drainage prices from 1 July 2022.
Central Coast Council is preparing to refurbish the Vacuum Sewer System at Davistown and St Huberts Island to improve the reliability and resilience of the system.
The refurbishment works will see key parts replaced in the existing sewer pots together with the installation of a ‘pillar’ next to the pot. The installation of the pillar will allow the critical components to be located above flood water levels, ensuring that the sewer system remains effective during major weather events.
Central Coast Council sought Expressions of Interest from people who live or work on the Central Coast to become part of a Community Reference Group which will provide advice and guidance on the Revised Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and Delivery Program 2022-2025 (including the Operational Plan 2022-23).
Central Coast Council prepared a draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy to manage the supply of housing within the region.
The Local Housing Strategy has been developed following extensive community consultation in 2022 and is an action emerging from the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS).
The new Mangrove Creek Dam Visitors Centre will be open for the public to enjoy from Saturday 30 September 2023 and is open 9am - 5pm seven days per week excluding Christmas Day. The site will be closed to the public during periods of extreme and catastrophic fire danger to manage public safety.
At its meeting, held 14 December 2021, Council resolved to put on exhibition an amended Code of Meeting Practice where several changes are proposed
Council proposed to maintain its current rate income beyond 2023-24 for a further 7 years to ensure financial and service sustainability. Securing the current rate income for a further 7 years would ensure that we are able to maintain the current service levels, continue to find more service efficiencies and pay back loans.
We explored this option with you through our community awareness and engagement program from October 2021 through to January 2022.
Council is planning an upgrade to the Ocean Beach Road/Rawson Road intersection at Woy Woy.
The proposed upgrade includes replacing the existing single lane roundabout with a signalised intersection.
This project will deliver immediate improvements to traffic flow – reducing the vehicle queue lengths and will make the existing road environment safer for all road users including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians with signalised crossings of each leg of the intersection.
Central Coast Council invited the community to provide their feedback on what makes up the unique character of Toukley, Canton Beach, Noraville and Norah Head, as part of developing local character statements for these suburbs.
Local character statements are being developed by Council in line with NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment guidelines and will be incorporated into local development controls.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 that Central Coast Council intends to offer a lease to the following for a period of ten years to the following community groups.
Central Coast Council prepared the draft Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2022-2025 which will replace the existing Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2018-2021.
The Destination Management Plan is a guiding document that establishes a shared vision and goals to ensure the long-term strength, success and sustainability of the Central Coast visitor economy.
Central Coast Council revised the Complaints and Feedback Management Policy and the draft was on exhibition between 7 October and 7 November 2021. The Complaints and Feedback Management Policy was adopted by Council on 23 November 2021, please check Council's main website for further information.
Central Coast Council has developed the first regionwide draft Tennis Facility Action Plan, in partnership with Tennis NSW.
Tennis is one of Australia’s most participated sports for the young and those in their senior years, however it’s underutilised as a social sport for families, young adults and middle generations.
Central Coast Council worked with community and agency stakeholders to inform the development of the draft Central Coast Green Grid: Our Place (Green Grid) strategy which was on public exhibition between 7 October and 7 November 2021.
The Green Grid was developed to improve urban ecosystems, biodiversity, resilience, urban amenity and connectivity between public spaces and is guided by six overarching aim
A Planning Proposal was prepared for surplus Government owned land at Peat Island and Mooney Mooney.
Central Coast Council developed a Draft Responsible Dog Ownership Policy which was recently on exhibition.
This Policy was developed in recognition of the high rates of dog ownership within the Central Coast local government area (LGA) and will be used to raise awareness of community expectations & requirements of owning a dog.
The current playspace at Ross Park, Avoca is due to be replaced as it has reached the end of its functional life.
The district level playspace will offer a variety of active and dynamic play opportunities as well as sensory and creative play which incorporate natural play areas to align with the Central Coast Playspace Strategy.
Some of the existing equipment (climbing frame (spider net), fitness equipment and park furniture) will be renovated and retained as part of the upgrade.
We are allocating formal addresses to approximately 550 water access only properties located on the Hawkesbury River and associated tributaries to comply with the Australian and NSW Government standards and policies.
Currently these properties are addressed as Lot # Hawkesbury River, which has been problematic for owners, residents, service providers and emergency services to find.
Council sought community feedback on Tranche 3 of the asset sales program that is part of its business recovery plan.
Council’s business recovery plan required a review of Council’s property assets that could be sold to assist with its financial situation. Properties that have been identified for sale in Tranche 3 have been grouped into four categories due to the different legislative and disposal processes involved
At its meeting, held 27 April 2021, Council resolved to put on exhibition the draft Operational Plan for 2021-22. The Operational Plan sets out the activities and infrastructure projects, budget, rating structure and fees and charges for the 2021-22 financial year.
Central Coast Council has developed a Draft Council Affordable Housing Land (CAHL) Proposal which is currently on Exhibition.
This proposal has been drafted as a framework for identifying Council land sites for affordable housing developments.
The CAHL Proposal is a recommended action of the Central Coast Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy (CCA&AHS) specifically linked to
Council has drafted two works-in-kind policies and supporting guidelines for Local Infrastructure Contributions that will help ensure quality infrastructure, value for money and increased transparency when assessing requests for infrastructure works in lieu of Development Contributions.
Town Centres play an important role for our community – they are places where we connect, play and work.
Place Plans are an exciting opportunity to look at new ideas to activate and revitalise an area.
Place Plans set out future initiatives and projects to liven community spaces for locals and visitors to enjoy, and in turn boost local businesses, the region’s economy and support local jobs.
Council has received a grant funding amount of $327,528 to implement a shared zone at The Esplanade, Umina Beach.
This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government under the Streets as Shared Spaces program. The Streets as Shared Spaces program provides one-off grant funding to support local councils to test and pilot new and innovative ideas for streets as safe, shared public spaces.
At its meeting, held 3 February 2021, Council resolved to put on exhibition a policy for Development Application Functions. The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the efficient assessment of Development Applications under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Council will receive a further report for consideration of any submissions in respect of the Policy following the public exhibition period.
At its meeting, held 9 March 2021, Council resolved to put on exhibition an amended Code of Meeting Practice where several changes are proposed.
Rates across the Central Coast Local Government Area (LGA) will change from July 2021.
Central Coast Council is seeking feedback on a proposed Conservation Agreement Made under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW) for the Porters Creek Wetland Conservation Area.
Porters Creek Wetland is the largest remaining freshwater wetland on the Central Coast and is located in the suburbs of Warnervale and Wyong. The wetland filters stormwater from the catchment, and acts as a kidney for Tuggerah Lakes. It is also significant for flood mitigation for the lower Wyong River.
Council is developing an Active Lifestyles Strategy for the region and is asking the community how you currently use open spaces, what you value and what you want to see in the future to encourage healthy and active outdoor lifestyles
Central Coast Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 8 February 2020 resolved to place the draft revised Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) on public exhibition. This Plan is for the General Fund only, which is the Fund impacted by the proposed Special Variation (SV) rate increase and where the restricted borrowing took place.
In the process of considering an application to IPART to the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a Special Variation (rate rise), it was determined that it was appropriate to review Council’s Debt Recovery and Hardship Policy.
Central Coast Council is preparing a Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMSP) for the Woy Woy Peninsula including Kahibah Creek catchment.
A draft Study and Plan has now been finalised following detailed analysis of the feedback we received from our first round of community consultation in early 2021 and an assessment of potential flood risk management measures.
Council is developing plans for construction of a shared path between Mannering Park and Kingfisher Shores, Chain Valley Bay.
The project will help to create an array of benefits for the community, including improved pedestrian safety, connectivity between local destinations, as well as an additional recreational facility for the community to enjoy.
With participation in mountain bike (MTB) riding as both a sport and a recreational activity increasing, and demand for suitable areas to ride growing, it is important to plan ahead in a sustainable way. Mountain biking also has the potential to provide tourism opportunities and economic development.
While Council provides for MTB riding on designated fire and management trails in some of its natural reserves, a number of unauthorised trails have also been constructed
We thank the community for providing feedback about Council’s application to the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a Special Variation (rate rise).
Council submitted its application to IPART in February 2021
Council is planning a new fenced off-leash area at Helen Reserve, Gorokan to allow the community to exercise their dogs in a controlled and secure environment.
With these plans Helen Reserve, which is already an off-leash reserve, will have two separate enclosures constructed – one designated for small dogs and the other for all dogs.
Central Coast Council has developed a concept design for a local level playspace, skatepark and pump track within the Kariong Oval Precinct. The Recreation Area will be located on the Curringa Road frontage nestled between two clusters of existing Eucalypt trees.
Central Coast Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 30 November 2020 resolved to place both the draft Gifts and Benefits Policy and the draft Lobbying Policy on public exhibition for 28 days to obtain community feedback on these two important policies.
Council is seeking to modify the existing planning approval for the possible construction of a drought response desalination plant adjacent to Toukley Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). This will involve amending the existing DA which includes an intake structure on Budgewoi Beach to a direct ocean intake structure off the coast between Jenny Dixon Beach, Noraville and Pelican Point Beach, Magenta. This is our insurance policy in case of unprecedented drought conditions.