This public exhibition has now concluded and the plan has been adopted by Council.
Project information
Central Coast Council's Floodplain Risk Management program has identified the Killarney Vale and Long Jetty catchments as prone to overland flooding across the following suburbs:
- Killarney Vale
- Bateau Bay
- Shelly Beach
- Long Jetty
- The Entrance.
A draft of the Killarney Vale and Long Jetty Catchments Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was placed on public exhibition for a period of six weeks (25 June - 5 August 2020) for the community to review. This draft study and plan was developed based on a detailed analysis of the feedback we received from our first round of community consultation in 2017, and an assessment of potential management measures.
The study and plan has now been finalised and adopted by Council.
Community members are still able to:
- view the final draft study and plan: Take a look at the final draft of the Killarney Vale and Long Jetty Catchments Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan online in the document library on the right of this page
- read our frequently asked questions: Make sure you check out our frequently asked questions on our main floodplain planning and management page to see if we haven't already answered your question!
- take a look at the engagement summary: Read about who we reached and what the results were from the public exhibition period
*This website does not necessarily represent the opinions of the NSW Government or the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.