Consultation for this project has now concluded.
Council is planning an upgrade to the Ocean Beach Road/Rawson Road intersection at Woy Woy.
The proposed upgrade includes replacing the existing single lane roundabout with a signalised intersection and has been designed to improve traffic flow and travel times.
This project will deliver immediate improvements to traffic flow – reducing the vehicle queue lengths and will make the existing road environment safer for all road users including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians with signalised crossings of each leg of the intersection.
The intersection upgrade project is one of 29 projects to be delivered by Council through $86.5million Central Coast Roads Package, which is 100 percent funded by the Australian Government under the Urban Congestion Fund.
Slider tool: view the current and proposed intersection by dragging the image across using the slider tool below.
Community consultation
Community members were invited to have their say on the design proposal for the upgrade of the Ocean Beach Road/Rawson Road intersection at Woy Woy between 9 December 2021 and 17 January 2022 via:
- Our online feedback form (now closed)
- Email:
- Post: PO Box 20, Wyong, NSW, 2259
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