Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Project information

Central Coast Council is planning to construct a regional level playspace and skate park on the corner of Pacific Highway and Tall Timbers Road (across from Woolworths Lake Munmorah).

The vision of the development is to produce a high quality inclusive regional facility that will create opportunities for play, social engagement and an active outdoor lifestyle for a wide range of ages, ability levels and cultural backgrounds across the Central Coast.

Project update

Feedback from the previous round of consultation has been considered by the design consultant, Convic, to ensure that where possible, the community’s input has been accommodated in the final concept design for the Lake Munmorah Recreation Facility. Construction on Stage 1 of the facility is anticipated to commence in early 2021.

Round 2 Consultation

Feedback from the previous round of consultation has been considered by the design consultant, Convic, to ensure that where possible, the community’s input has been accommodated in the final concept design for the Lake Munmorah Recreation Facility. Construction on Stage 1 of the facility is anticipated to commence in early 2021.

Between 11 June and 30 June 2020 Central Coast Council sought community feedback on the draft
concept design for the new Lake Munmorah Recreation Facility. The feedback provided during this time has been used to refine the concept designs. You can view the engagement summary and the consultation report for this second round of consultation.

The community were invited to:

Comments closed on Tuesday 30 June 2020.

Round 1 Consultation

From March to April 2019 Council and COVIC undertook round one of community consultation for the project. Consultations for the Lake Munmorah Recreation Facility were held with the community and varied organisations including those who work, live or support people with disabilities. Over 100 people participated in the consultation activities delivered.

The consultation provided valuable insights into the interests, needs, desires and vision that the community had for this facility.

The results from the consultation were analysed to formulate an overall design brief and concept design. The brief outlined the needs and wishes for play, skate and pump experiences, as well as supportive elements and amenities. By following the brief, the Concept Design for the playspace directly reflects the communities needs and vision for the facility