Consultation on this project has now concluded.

Project information

The new Mangrove Creek Dam Visitors Centre will be open for the public to enjoy from Saturday 30 September 2023 and is open 9am - 5pm seven days per week excluding Christmas Day. The site will be closed to the public during periods of extreme and catastrophic fire danger to manage public safety.

The new Mangrove Creek Dam Visitor Space will feature:

  • new interactive visitor education centre
  • new accessible family friendly amenities block
  • new children’s play space
  • new picnic table shelters, pergola shelters, bins and bench seating
  • new soft native landscaping to picnic areas
  • wayfinding and interpretive signage
  • improved pedestrian and vehicle access including new parallel bus parking

Central Coast Council received $2.567million from the NSW Government’s Bushfire Local Economic Recovery (BLER) Fund to complete this important project and the design and construction contract has been awarded to North Construction & Building.


The community told us what they would like to see in this space during the consultation earlier this year and we are proud to have re-designed the initial plans to now deliver features that are valued by our community.

Council wanted to hear from the community on how to best represent the significance of this site, which is home to a critical piece of our region’s water supply network and has a rich Indigenous and agriculture history.

The community were invited to share their ideas, feedback and stories which will be used to guide the concept design for the Mangrove Creek Dam picnic area and lookout by:

  • Reading the frequently asked questions (available on this page)
  • Viewing the interactive map and explore the suggested concept designs, comment on proposed features and highlight points of interest that are important to you (comments are now closed but you can still explore the interactive map).

The Updated Concept Design was based on community feedback collected between 1 February and 11 March 2022.

Project update

The visitor centre is now complete! Visit the centre today to learn about the history of Mangrove Creek Dam over the years, insights into the water supply system, natural environment and cultural heritage of the surrounding area.