Consultation has now concluded

Project Background

Council has received $935,000 Grant from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund to build a new community hall at Norah Head.

Plans to build a new community hall were outlined in the Masterplan for Norah Head Village 2017 with extensive community consultation in 2019. The Masterplan proposes to relocate existing amenities building and provide services for events.

This project is included in Council’s capex program to be delivered over two financial years, and the preliminary plans have been made available for the community to view and provide suggestions that may be considered in the final design.

The new community hall design includes a multifunctional hall, kitchen, accessible toilets, storage. The playground equipment from the current Norah Head Hall site will also be relocated and included.

The community are invited to:

Have your say

Anytime Council upgrades a community facility we consider the community that we hope will use them.

The community was invited to:

  • Ask a question via the online form (now closed).
  • Submit a suggestion for the new community hall via the online form (now closed)
  • Register for the in-person information session on Monday 22 August from 6.30-7.30pm at Soldiers Beach Surf Club (past date)

Feedback was accepted between 15 August and 12 September 2022.

We value your opinion and will use the feedback you have provided to inform the final design for the Norah Head Community Hall.

When providing feedback to Council your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.