Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Project background

The Pearl Beach Lagoon Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) was developed by Council in 2013, aided by input from the Pearl Beach community. As part of the Plan’s development, it was found that there has been a decline in water quality and ecological integrity within and around the lagoon, and that this was mostly due to historical urban development in the catchment.

The CZMP contains nine actions to address these key issues.

As part of the implementation of the CZMP, we’re investigating three of these actions:

  • Action 4: Retrofit stormwater quality improvement measures
  • Action 8: Investigate options to modify the weir
  • Action 9: Investigate options to remove sediments from the lagoon.

Community consultation

From 22 May to 18 June 2020 Council invited the community to help us investigate these actions to inform the design of the actions we take moving forward.

The community were invited to participate in an online discussion forum (which can be viewed in our document library) and view our interactive map.

We've developed a summary of what we heard during our consultation for you to view.