We are preparing an upgrade to the current playspaces at Picnic Point Reserve to provide The Entrance with a district level playspace that captures the needs of our community.
The existing local playspace near the amenities within the reserve is no longer serviceable and will be consolidated into a single, larger play area incorporating the existing rope climbing unit to the north of the reserve. The new playspace will be designed and constructed in accordance with the Central Coast Council’s Playspace Strategy and to meet current Australian Standards.
We are asking the community to complete a short survey for us to better understand the types of users of the park as well as the equipment and infrastructure you would like to see. To provide you with some types of the infrastructure that could be included in the park, here are some example suggestions:
- A new accessible path connecting the playspace with the existing skatepark
- Shade structures over the play areas
- Concrete or sandstone edging for the playspace surrounds
- Additional garbage bin slabs
It will also have ‘Full Accessibility Play’ for a minimum of 40% of equipment. The types of equipment may include:
- Combination swing set for junior and standard abilities
- Separate large nest swing
- Play units with slides aimed at 5yrs – 10yrs
- A low level play unit with slide aimed at 0yrs – 4yrs
- Imaginative play equipment: boat and pelican themed spring/spin toys
Have your say
We recognise our community is diverse and is made up many varied and wonderful individuals from various paths of life. To acknowledge and embrace that uniqueness, we are driven to provide a playspace upgrade that is representative of this. As a result, we encourage you to give your feedback to enable us to identify our users and plan for the future.
You were invited to submit your feedback between Friday 21 June and Monday 22 July 2024.
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