What is a Plan of Management?
Council owns around 2500 lots of community land. Community land is managed in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) and is categorised according to its core land management objectives. The way in which community land is managed and its categorisation is recorded in a Plan of Management (POM).
The Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) requires a Plan of Management (POM) to be prepared for all public land that is classified as ‘community’ land under that Act. A Plan of Management is an important tool for managing community land, which is written by Council in consultation with the community.
A POM categorises community land based on its characteristics and outlines how Council will use and manage the land. A POM provides a transparent and coordinated approach to public land management. A POM can be prepared for more than one area of land or a specific area or site.
The categories included in Central Coast Council’s POM for Council Community Land are: Natural Area, Park, Sportsground, and General Community Use. Natural Area is further sub-categorised as Bushland, Escarpment, Wetland, Watercourse, or Foreshore.