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Project information

Central Coast Council owns over 2,000 parcels (lots) of community land comprising of the following categories: natural area, sportsground, park, area of cultural significance and general community use. As such, community land cannot be sold and moreover, the Local Government Act 1993 stipulates that Councils must prepare a Plan of Management (POM) which governs how the community land is to be used and managed. As a result, Central Coast Council's Draft Plan of Management was exhibited for community consultation and feedback. This plan supersedes all previous POMs, excluding the Kincumba Mountain and Central Coast Stadium, which have their own POMs.

Historically, an extensive number of POMs were prepared on a category-by-category basis in each of the former Councils. Since then, other parcels of land have been created or acquired which have not yet been categorised and some parcels of land have been found to not have an attached POM.

This Draft POM addressed these issues while also proposing a formal review process that will help rationalise the provisions that apply to land that has already been categorised and to extend coverage to community land that is not yet categorised or included in an operative POM.

The POM's objectives were to:

  • identify the category of the land,
  • highlight the objectives and performance targets of the plan with respect to the land, and
  • detail the means and manner by which the Council proposes to achieve the plan's objectives and performance targets.

The existing categorisation of more than 1,800 parcels of land were reviewed and approximately 400 additional lots were categorised for the first time. The largest number of lots were confirmed or newly categorised as natural area (more than 1,000 parcels) or as parks (approximately 500 parcels). There were also a significant number of parcels of land categorised or re-categorised as sportsgrounds and as general community use (between 150-250 parcels of each category).

A schedule of all community land proposed to be included in the POM can be found in the document library on this page with all land listed by suburb and street address and also by lot and deposited plan.

Accompanying maps can also be found in the document library which help highlight the location (where practicable) as well as the categorisation of land.

Have your say

Between 20 December 2022 and 1 March 2023, the community was invited to find out more and have their say by:

There were five (5) Public Hearings to provide a forum for the public to discuss parcels of community land relevant to the area that are being recategorised or categorised for the first time. Land considered at one public hearing was not discussed in the other public hearings. The suburbs discussed at each public hearing can be found under the "Doc View" heading. The specific parcels of land to be discussed at each public hearing were provided to participants on the day. The public hearing details were as follows:

Please view the public hearing report prepared by an independent facilitator here.

Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.

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91-99 Mann Street Gosford NSW 2250, Australia P. 02 4306 7900


2 Hely StreetWyong NSW 2259, Australia P. 02 4306 7900