Consultation on this project has now concluded.
Project background
Council owns around 2500 lots of community land. Community land is managed in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) and is categorised according to its core land management objectives. The way in which community land is managed and its categorisation is recorded in a Plan of Management (POM).
The categories included in Central Coast Council’s POM for Council Community Land are: Natural Area, Park, Sportsground, and General Community Use. Natural Area is further sub-categorised as Bushland, Escarpment, Wetland, Watercourse, or Foreshore.
A POM facilitates the use of Council community land by the public and the issue of leases and licences over community land. Any development on community land must also be consistent with the provision of the relevant POM.
In the first half of 2023, a comprehensive, area-wide POM for Council-owned community land (the Community Land POM) was publicly exhibited and adopted. This POM replaced multiple plans that applied to different categories of community land in each of the former Gosford City and Wyong Shire areas. Around 2300 lots of community land are already included in the Community Land POM. Learn more about the 2023 POM here.
Around 10% of the lots included in the Community Land POM were commented on in community submissions. All comments were reviewed prior to the adoption of the POM to identify any risks to the land. For most lots, the proposed categorisation was deemed unlikely to negatively impact land management in the short term. However, it was recommended that the categorisation of these lots (the 10%) be reviewed in the future.
The Community Land POM is now being updated with the following objectives:
- Review the categorisation of land for which submissions were received when the existing Community Land POM was put on public exhibition.
- Categorise a further 160 lots of land for the first time, including 78 Lots of operational land reclassified as community land in January 2024.
A process of early engagement with community organisations that had provided commentary during the development of the Community Land POM was held in early 2024. An additional review was also undertaken with internal stakeholders with detailed knowledge of land management practices and of future intended land uses. As a result, 110 lots are being proposed for re-categorisation in whole or part.
A consolidated list of proposed changes and additions has been prepared as the Community Land POM Update Land Schedule, and mapping of the lots in the Community Land POM has been finalised. Both the Land Schedule and the Maps form the centrepieces of the proposed community consultation.
The Land Schedule and the Maps can be found in the Key Documents area of this page.
Feedback has indicated that the community wants a greater level of detail as to how land has been categorised. More information is available in the attachments to the 27 August 2024 Council Report, accessible via a link from Key Documents.
Have your say
Between Tuesday 24 September and Monday 25 November 2024 the POM Update Land Schedule was on public exhibition. As a member of the community, you were able to have your say say by:
- Choosing to attend a public hearing and provide feedback
- providing a submission via the online submission form
- providing a submission via email:
- posting your submission to: PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259.
Three public hearings were held to provide a forum for the public to discuss parcels of community land that are part of the POM Update. The public hearings were held at: Wyong (Wyong Golf Club), Wamberal (Breakers Country Club) and Gosford (Gosford Golf Club).