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Project information

Central Coast Council is seeking feedback on a proposed Conservation Agreement Made under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW) for the Porters Creek Wetland Conservation Area.

Porters Creek Wetland is the largest remaining freshwater wetland on the Central Coast and is located in the suburbs of Warnervale and Wyong. The wetland filters stormwater from the catchment, and acts as a kidney for Tuggerah Lakes. It is also significant for flood mitigation for the lower Wyong River.

The proposed Conservation Agreement covers Council-own land and provides permanent legal protection for the Conservation Area, which means that it cannot be developed or modified in ways that detract from the biodiversity values.

Have your say

We wanted your feedback on the following before formalising the Agreement with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust:

  • Does the map of the area covered by the agreement need to be adjusted? View the map
    Note: The detailed maps show the infrastructure that has been considered in identifying the area for conservation and the assets that are identified in the agreement for on-going management and maintenance.
  • Are there any other considerations in addition to what is shown on the map?

Feedback on the proposal was accepted between 1 March and 29 March 2021.

  • by email (preferred) (Subject line: Porters Creek Wetland Conservation Agreement), or
  • by post PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259.

When providing feedback to Council your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.