This public exhibition has now concluded.

Project information

Scape Properties have offered to enter into a Planning Agreement with Council to deliver a park and play space at Lot 194 DP 1247440 also known as Bargan Road, Crangan Bay. The Planning Agreement includes a process for the design and delivery of the park and clauses to ensure it is constructed to Council’s specifications and requirements.

The park and playspace will be located in the new residential subdivision currently under construction in Crangan Bay. The site is approximately 2 hectares in size and following completion of the works, the land will be dedicated to Council.

Have your say

Council was seeking your feedback on the draft concept plan for the park and playspace and draft Planning Agreement between 10 July and 6 August 2023. Feedback will be considered in determining the final design of the park and place space.

The community were invited to:

Submissions were to be made between Monday 10 July 2023 and Sunday 6 August 2023 via:

When providing feedback to Council your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.