This public exhibition has now concluded.
Project information
Thank you for your submissions. The exhibition is now closed. View the consultation summary here.
At the Ordinary Central Coast Council Meeting on 22 August 2023, public notice was given that Council proposes to reclassify 80 lots of land from operational land to community land in accordance with Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993. This comes after a review of Council-owned land in response to our community and key stakeholders highlighting that some operational land may be better classified as community land. Much of the feedback was drawn from the Draft Plan of Management consultation in addition to other community and stakeholder feedback.
The proposed lots for reclassification located in 12 suburbs included:
- four sites with community facilities comprising five lots in all:
- Glenning Valley: part of Berkeley Sports Complex
- Kanwal: Lakelands Community Centre
- Wamberal: Wamberal Memorial Hall
- Yarramalong: St Barnabas Church; and,
- nine park and natural area sites (some in multiple secitons) comprising 75 lots in all:
- Buff Point, Davistown, Hamlyn Terrace, Jilliby, Lisarow, Noraville, Springfield and Watanobbi.
More information on each site including location, legal descriptors and aerial views can be accessed via the list of proposed sites.
Have your say
Between Thursday 7 September 2023 and Friday 6 October 2023, the community was invited to find out more and have their say via:
- online submission form (now closed)
- post
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