Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Public exhibition: Central Coast Stadium Strategy

This public exhibition has now concluded.

Council developed a plan for the future of Central Coast Stadium – the Central Coast Stadium Strategy.

As part of the process we consulted with a range of stakeholders including Councillors, Stadium staff, commercial hirers, community hirers, venue operators and the wider community.

A draft strategy, which outlined the objectives and options for the ongoing management of the Stadium, as well as a potential naming rights sponsor was placed on public exhibition between 1 September and 28 September 2020.

In total, we received 17 submissions. A review of these submissions was undertaken and a subsequent report was made to Council.

Council adopted the Central Coast Stadium Strategy on the 23 March 2021, a copy of the strategy is available here.

Rezoning and Reclassification

Consultation on this project has now concluded.

Council is focused in developing a refreshed plan for the Stadium to ensure it meets the community’s and hirer’s needs for major event facilities, supports the activation of the Stadium precinct, on a sound financial basis for Council.

Strategic Priorities found within the draft Strategy includes Strategic Priority 3 ‘Precinct’, which focuses on:

  • Enhancing how the Stadium and its patrons engage with the broader precinct;
  • Increased patron stay and spending.

Key to achieving the goals of Strategic Priority 3 ‘Precinct’, is to develop a precinct masterplan. It is expected the adopted Masterplan will lead to greater community, economic and financial impacts of events held at the Stadium, to both the Stadium and surrounding businesses.

It is intended that Council will develop the scope of the masterplan, including considerations (at a minimum) of:

  • Connectivity to transport links, CBD and local businesses;
  • Engagement with Brisbane Waters and Leagues Parks;
  • Parking;
  • Non- event day activation.

The existing RE1 zoning is a major hindrance to the stadium’s potential as it limits the potential for the stadium’s further development. Furthermore, the current land classification of Community ‘Sportsground’ requires modifications to allow additional uses, such as retail activation along Dane Drive. These modifications can be a prolonged process modifying the existing Plan of Management.

Rezoning and reclassification of the Stadium site will allow complementary uses at the Stadium site and allow greater flexibility in any adopted Masterplan design.

How can I get involved?

The community were invited to submit ideas, suggestions and feedback via an online form which is now closed.

Feedback was accepted between 30 April and 21 May 2021. A full consultation report is available here.

Council will receive a further report in consideration of all feedback received during the consultation period.

Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA ACT), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and Council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential.