Consultation on this project has now concluded.

Project information

The current playspace at Ross Park, Avoca is due to be replaced as it has reached the end of its functional life.

The district level playspace will offer a variety of active and dynamic play opportunities as well as sensory and creative play which incorporate natural play areas to align with the Central Coast Playspace Strategy.

Some of the existing equipment (climbing frame (spider net), fitness equipment and park furniture) will be renovated and retained as part of the upgrade.

Have your say

To ensure this new playspace reflects what current and future users wanted to see, an online survey was made available from the 9-30 August 2021 where the community could let us know what was important to them. Results of the survey are available here.

The community were also able to read our general playspace frequently asked questions.

Council will be using Local Infrastructure Contributions to fund this playspace which is due to commence in March 2022 for completion by June 2022 (weather permitting). Local infrastructure contributions (also referred to as Development contributions) are charged by Council when new development occurs. These contributions fund local infrastructure needed to support an increased number of residents in the area. This type of local infrastructure typically includes local roads, stormwater and drainage, shared pathways, parks, playspaces or other recreational areas, environmental land and community facilities. For more information on Development Contributions and to view all Council Contribution Plans, go to Council's main website.

Ross Park playspace is now ready for fun and play!

Before After