Construction is now complete and the playspace is open to the community!

The playground is now open! The upgraded larger and inclusive playspace with improved accessibility complements the existing picnic and BBQ facilities, making it a perfect place to connect with family and friends.

A concept design plan was developed following community consultation in November 2019. Three playspace options were presented to the community and participants were asked to let us know which option they preferred and why. You can view the results of the community consultation here.

Council received support for Option 1, with 37% of respondents selecting this as their preferred option. Of these respondents, 34% believed this playspace would offer the best range of play opportunities for the children they will be attending the park with.

Additional feedback from the community indicated that Council should consider switching the hammock swing for a trampoline of which we have been able to accommodate in the final design. Council also investigated the installation of a flying fox as a result of community feedback however after thorough investigation, insufficient project funding has determined that this item cannot be included in the playspace.

The community can view the final concept design in the document library (on the right of this page).

The old playspace at Swadling Reserve was at the end of its functional life and has been upgraded to a larger, safer, accessible and more inclusive district-level playspace for the benefit of our local community and visitors to the area.

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