Consultation on this project has now concluded.

Project update

Stages 1-4

In 2019-20 Council undertook an extensive consultation campaign to gain feedback on the design of the Tuggerawong Foreshore Shared Path project – specifically the Stage 1 to 4 concept plans and route optioneering for the final Stage 5 of the project. Five route options were provided to the community as part of consultation on the preferred route. Stage 5 is yet to be constructed, however, Stages 1-4 have been constructed and are being enjoyed by the community.

Stage 5 - Project update November 2024

Whilst strong community support was received for Stage 5 Option A foreshore route – with 87% of stakeholders identifying this as their preferred route, Option C along Palmer Street, High Street and Marine Parade to the foreshore at Rocky Point and then onto Don Small Oval was identified by Council officers as the preferred route due to the increased cost and environmental impacts associated with Options A and B.

Following continued strong community advocacy, in 2022-23 the Australian Government offered Council $1.5 million in grant funding to fund the gap between Option A and Option C – and design investigations recommenced to confirm the feasibility of Option A, reassessing environmental constraints and updating the project estimate. The investigations confirmed Option A is viable and given the project is fully funded by developer contributions and grant funding, Council is now progressing development of the community preferred Stage 5 Option A route. It is anticipated that all foreseeable project constraints, including environmental and tree removal, can be managed via prudent engineering design and engagement with the relevant specialists and stakeholders. Every effort is made to minimise any adverse impacts on the environment in designing these projects.