This public exhibition has now concluded and the plan has now been adopted by Council.
Project Background
Central Coast Council's Floodplain Risk Management program identified the Wallarah Creek catchment as prone to flooding across the following suburbs:
- Blue Haven
- Wallarah
- Bushells Ridge
- Doyalson
- San Remo
- Charmhaven
- Woongarrah
A draft of the Wallarah Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was placed on public exhibition for a period of six weeks (25 June - 5 August 2020) for the community to review. This draft study and plan was developed based on a detailed analysis of the feedback we received from our first round of community consultation in 2017, and an assessment of potential management measures.
This study and plan have now been finalised and adopted by Council.
Community members are still able to:
- view the final draft study and plan: Take a look at the final Wallarah Creek Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan in the document library on the right of this page
- read our frequently asked questions: Make sure you check out our frequently asked questions on our main floodplain management page to see if we haven't already answered your question!
- take a look at the engagement summary: Read about who we reached and what the results were from the public exhibition period
*This website does not necessarily represent the opinions of the NSW Government or the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Engagement Results
A draft of the Wallarah Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan was placed on public exhibition for a period of six weeks (25 June – 5 August 2020) for the community to review. It was available to viewed online and a hard copy could be viewed in person at Lake Haven library.
A letter was posted to residents who lived in, or owned, a property in the catchment area affected by the PMF (probable maximum flood) event, informing them of the document being on public exhibition.
During this time community members were encouraged to book into an online Zoom meeting or a phone call with a Council flood representative and the consultant to discuss any concerns or answer any questions. Community members were also able to post a question on the online Q&A board and have someone respond to them with an answer within three business days.
Lastly an interactive map online was made available, mapping out the recommended options from the floodplain risk management study and plan, as well as flood extents for 1% annual exceedance probability flood and probable maximum flood events.
Common themes raised included:
- Insufficient drainage infrastructure to deal with frequent rainfall events
- The lack of kerb and guttering can result in a more frequent inundation of front yards
- King tides exacerbate the flooding problem across areas adjoining Spring and Wallarah Creeks
- Dredging The Entrance channel and Tuggerah Lakes.
Engagement summary
Contact Us
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In writing | Gosford 91-99 Mann Street Gosford NSW 2250, Australia P. 02 4306 7900 Wyong 2 Hely StreetWyong NSW 2259, Australia P. 02 4306 7900 |