This consultation has now concluded.
Project information
Between 23 November and 14 February 2024 Central Coast Council Water and Sewer sought community feedback from residents and businesses in two phases on the small urban and rural communities across the Central Coast that do not have access to water and/or sewerage services. These properties are known as ‘unserviced properties’. An unserviced property is one that is not connected to the Council’s water and/or sewer network.
There were two phases:
- Phase 1 was conducted by Woolcott Reasearch who surveyed 500 residents and small businesses who are connected to Council’s water and/or sewerage services.
- Phase 2 was a Targeted Survey amongst 1352 people who occupy, own, or operate a business from an ‘unserviced property’ on the Central Coast.
There are approximately 7,500 of these properties on the Central Coast. These properties are not connected to the Council water and sewer network. Typically, owners of these properties store their own drinking water, and collect, treat, and dispose of their own sewerage.
The surveys build upon earlier engagement with the community and will inform development of Council’s Water and Sewer Masterplan to deliver services for our customers into the future. Your valued feedback helped Council inform its planning and to determine how best to manage unserviced properties.
We would like to thank everyone who completed the survey.
Next Steps
The Unserviced Properties survey was a requirement of the Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). The data from the recent engagement with unserviced properties will be used to help form one component of the Water and Sewer Masterplan. The Masterplan is expected to be published in 2025/26 on our website.