This public exhibition has now concluded.
Project information
We are allocating formal addresses to approximately 550 water access only properties located on the Hawkesbury River and associated tributaries to comply with the Australian and NSW Government standards and policies.
Currently these properties are addressed as Lot # Hawkesbury River, which has been problematic for owners, residents, service providers and emergency services to find.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 March 2021, Council resolved to adopt the allocation of waterfront addressing as follows:
Resolution 81/21:
- That Council resolve to adopt waterfront addressing for properties along the Hawkesbury River and its tributaries in accordance with Australian/New Zealand Standard 4819:2011 - Rural and Urban Addressing; NSW Address Policy and NSW Retrospective Address Policy for the purpose of public exhibition.
- That Council commence 28-day consultation period and seek comment from all affected property owners and other government departments.
- That following the consultation period, a further report be provided to Council for the purpose of considering submissions received
Methodology and guiding principles
The following guiding principles and methodology have been adopted from the NSW Address Policy and User Manual and used to determine the format of the proposed waterfront addresses:
- Water based addressing is applied to properties accessible by water only;
- The river/creek name is adopted in lieu of a road name;
- Properties accessible by water and a named road are addressed to the named road;
- The gazetted suburb is adopted as the locality;
- Each property is allocated a unique house number based on its distance from the zero datum point of the respective river/creek;
- Zero datum point is established at the centre of the river/creek mouth with numbering increasing upstream from that point;
- Formula for the house number is derived by dividing the distance (metres) by 10 and rounding to the nearest number;
Zero-datum points have been established as follows:
- Hawkesbury River – zero datum point was established due south of the approximate centre of Lion Island where it intersects with the centreline at the mouth of the Hawkesbury River;
- Patonga Creek – zero datum point was established near the approximate centre at the mouth of the creek;
- Mullet Creek – zero datum point was established where the creek centreline intersects with the Hawkesbury River centreline;
- Mooney Mooney Creek – zero datum point was established where the creek centreline intersects with the Hawkesbury River centreline;
- Marlows Gully – zero datum point was established near the approximate centre at the mouth of the creek.
Have your say
- View our Interactive Map to locate your property and surrounds. (A Chrome browser works best)
- Feedback was accepted via email ( or post (PO Box 20 Wyong, NSW 2259) between 10 May and 7 June 2021.