Consultation on this project has now concluded.

Project information

Following the outcomes of the 2018 community consultation for the Winney Bay Clifftop Walk, Council resolved that three new concept plans for the clifftop walk known as A, B and C be developed, as well as four new concept designs for the upgrade of Captain Cook Lookout.

Green Light Design Group was engaged to develop the concept plans and associated community consultation to ensure the designs for the clifftop reflect what the community want to see.

The concept designs, three for Winney Bay clifftop walk (known as Plan a, b and c) and four for Captain Cook Lookout (known as Plan Ci, Cii, Ciii and Civ) are now available.
These concepts include four key components of which Council are seeking your input into. The components are:

  • New stairs and ramps to Captain Cook Lookout
  • Replacement of Captain Cook Lookout balustrade
  • Carpark upgrade
  • Winney Bay clifftop walk – stage two (connecting the car park to the completed section of concrete stairs)

You can view a video of the new Winney Bay clifftop walk concept plan options below.

Community engagement

Council undertook engagement to ensure it has a consensus on the design before seeking funding in the future.

Between 9 November and 15 December 2020 the community were invited to:

During this time the community could also:

  • Submit a question and receive a response from the project team
  • Register their interest to discuss the project (hosted by Green Light Design Group)

Feedback was accepted until 15 December 2020.

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