Consultation is now closed.

Project information

Situated among some of the best views Woy Woy has to offer, we are preparing an upgrade to the district playspace at Woy Woy Lions Park. Although the current playspace has served our community well, we want to make sure we deliver a new park that possesses the capacity and a variety of equipment that embodies inclusion, activation and social engagement for all ages, abilities and cultural groups.

Your feedback was collected to determine the current and future users of Woy Woy Lions Park and your preferences for the type of playspace and inclusions that are important to you. The feedback gathered from the consultation is being used to select equipment, guide the design of the layout and decide on the recreational facilities to be included.

Have your say

You were invited to submit your feedback between Thursday 28 September and Friday 27 October 2023 by:

  • Viewing the concept plan
  • Completing the online submission form (now closed)

Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.

Lions Park Woy Woy is now ready for fun and play!

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